Living Polymyositis

My New Boyfriend. Rituxan (Rituximab)

doctor It's awkward seeing old doctors. Especially when you've never told them you didn't want to see them again. You kind of just stopped coming after your last appointment. I got a letter in the mail from my old pediatric immunologist today. I should say that I got it from the hospital. But her name was signed, though I doubt she'd actually signed it. It was a piece of her stationary with her signature on the bottom of the page. A permanent fixture, only the body text changing. It was an invitation to an informational panel discussion about making the transition in care as a young adult. It's taking place months away. By that time it will have been five months since I've started taking Rituxan. When my rheumatologist suggested I try Rituxan he was cautiously optimistic as to what I could expect to gain as far as strength. I see myself as pretty realistic, I'd be happy with being able to raise my head on my own after it's fallen down towards my chest. So almost a month in and I am noticing small changes. Mainly with my neck and trunk muscles. I have no idea what it'll be like in five months. And I'm already wondering what my old doctor will say when she sees me.

1 Response

  1. Erwin Says:
    April 13th, 2009 at 8:08 am

    I'll definitely have to ask my doctor about that.

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"Beauty of style and harmony and grace and good rhythm depends on simplicity."

- Plato

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